We’ve forgotten to unlock the questionnaire for responses. It is fully functional now. If anyone experienced any problem attempting to participate, we apologize and invite you to give it another try.
03.20 22:06 | Abreu님 | 신고 | 수정 | 삭제
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Hello again. I want to thank all of those who supported us, thanks to you our research has come to a close. As we've promissed, by 30 of June we'll reward your effort by sending you a link to the digital editions of the artbooks.

For those who are also interested but didn't get the oportunity to participate, stick aroud, follow this topic. We'll be posting the link to the artbooks here also.

Until 30 of June!

03.25 00:00 | Abreu님 | 신고 | 수정 | 삭제
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